Kadialy Kouyate & Abdoulaye Samb

3rd May 2024 @ 8PM

Kadialy Kouyate is a musician, a singer-songwriter inspired by the West African Griot repertoire. Born into the great line of Kouyate Griot in Southern Senegal, Kadialy’s mesmerising kora playing and singing style have been appreciated in many prestigious venues as both a soloist and in different ensembles.

Abdoulaye Samb is a Senegalese songwriter who warms audience’s hearts with his sincere performances and energetic live shows. Along with his band Minnjiaraby, they create a refreshing blend of traditional Senegalese music and European influences inspired by Fula and Mandinka cultures. The name Minnjirabay meaning the ‘love of mixing’ expresses the richness in Senegalese culture and an open mind to the many influences from across the globe.

Hailing from a humble background in Dakar and a family that was not of Griot origin – Abdoulaye’s opportunity to play music was initially limited. Finding inspiration to play music whilst working in a hardware store in the coastal town of Yen, he made his first guitar using an oilcan and fishing wire – on his return to Dakar he played exclusively on this homemade instrument for two years.

Since his arrival in the UK Kadialy has played a significant part in enriching the London musical scene with his griot legacy. He has been teaching the Kora at SOAS University of London for the last decade and he has also been involved in countless musical projects both as a collaborator and a session musician.


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